Weight loss clinic in Pune


Weight Loss Clinic

Can I get slim fit quickly? Can I reduce my weight quickly in short period of time? Being over- weight and obese is most common concern in population, so It’s a high time to but efforts on to your growing weight so as to control its growth in order to attain healthy and diseases free life.

Weight gain and being overweight is huge concern, everyone around wants to look fit and healthy, also number of diseases associated with weight gain is on pace. Weight loss clinic in Pune offers wide range of reputable clinics for weight management.

Everything that you need to know about weight loss!

Read here,

Why do you gain weight?

Being over-weight can be due to various reasons, there are many peoples who are able to lose weight even after heavy exercises, who are not able to lose weight even on following healthy nutritional diet plan, those who are unable to loss weight since childhood, or there are peoples who are obese since childhood it may be due to genetics.

All this questions are answered by our experts in weight loss clinic in Pune. That’s not all they will also guide you in achieving the ideal weight that you desire.

Weight loss clinic in Pune

Complications associated in weight gain

Peoples those are overweight are prone to numerous diseases like high blood pressure, coronary artery diseases, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrests, diabetes and many more.

Being obese can restrict your life in numerous aspects, like you will be restricted in doing physical activities like participating in various sports, you can be restricted in your professional life, where appearance matters a lot, in order to lose weight and achieve healthy and fit lifestyle it is very important to understand reasons for weight gain in detail, so as to find yours and design suitable treatment on it with the help of doctor. Weight loss clinic in Pune are highly equipped with all the facilities and services.

Weight gain results when body consume number of calories that exceeds the number of calories that body burns through normal bodily functions and physical activities.

Here are some of the important factors that influence in weight gain,

  1. Calories intake

When body takes in more calories than your body actually needs for healthy and balanced functioning of the body. These leads to accumulation of the fats in the tissues and muscles that leads to weight gain in the body, this stored fats can or cannot be used by the body.

  1. Diet

Eating fast food more often in snacks time, there can be emotional over eating that leads to excess of calories intake in the body.

Eating large proteins and fats enriched food items consistently can lead to accumulation of fats in the body.

  1. Metabolism

Slow metabolism leads to the excessive accumulation of the fats, as body utilizes only few calories, in comparison with number of calories intake,

Rate of metabolism depends on various factors like,

  • Age- adults has high rate of metabolism then that of older peoples.
  • Gender– it is considered that men’s has high rate of metabolism then that of females. Muscles and movements of muscles requires high calorie utilization then that of females. Although there may be fluctuation in rate of metabolism in females also due to pregnancy, menstruation or menopause.
  • Genetics– some peoples have high rate of metabolism this is due to family background of the individual while most of the peoples has slow rate of metabolism that leads to accumulation of excessive calories in the body which causes weight gain. This entire process depends on the genetics of the individual it is called as hereditary character.
  1. Medications

Some medications have side effects in terms of weight gain. Such medications can lead to weigh gain, even when diet is balanced. These medications have certain API’S that leads to increase in calorie content in the body and it also lowers the rate of metabolism in the body.

  1. Stress

Emotional stress can lead to the unnecessary craving for comfort foods that are high in fats and sugar for eating, this assists in increasing weight gain.

There are two types of weight loss clinics in Pune

  1. Medical weight loss clinics
  2. Non- medical weight loss clinics
  1. Medical weight loss clinic –

    – primarily focus on services provided by clinics in order to help patient to lose weight, there services include,

  • Medication treatment – helps to improve rate of metabolism, it also reduces appetite, and craving for comfort food items.
  • Surgeries- most of the doctors recommend surgeries to reduce accumulated fats, by performing procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or lap band surgery for individuals struggling to lose weight.
  • Swollen pills- this pills enters stomach and swells which causes feeling of fullness that decreases appetite, which helps to decrease weight and calorie intake in the body.
  1. Non- medical weight loss clinic-

    this clinic aims to lose weight of patients by training them about various physical exercises, by planning nutritional diet chart form them, by providing supplements like proteins powder, fat burners and conduction group seminar that help boast confidence in individuals.

Factors to consider, while choosing weight loss clinics

  1. Accreditation and credentials
    of the hospital, it is important to monitor and examine weather hospital is accredited to laboratories, and practice weight loss procedure on legal basis.
  2. Costs and insurance
    , it’s important to verify if clinic accepts insurance and claims. Some medical weight loss procedures are covered in insurance, if obesity related health conditions are present.
  3. Range of services
    provided by clinics should be considered, including medical evaluations, nutrition counselling, health care trainers, physical exercises coach, psychological support. This is because weight loss is multistage support that requires multiple care to the patients.
  4. Patients review
    helps to determine reputation of the hospital; it also determines already existing success stories of the hospital. A reputable clinic should have a history of helping clients achieve sustainable weight loss and improved health.


Weight loss journey can be challenging as well as emotional roller coaster journey, it very important to choose clinic wisely according to need of the patients. Weight loss clinics offers a structured, supportive, and personalized approach to losing weight, whether you’re seeking medical supervision or lifestyle based guidance.

This article has complete review on ideal services that weight loss clinic should have like experience of the doctor, services provided by the clinic, and degree of expenses on treatment in clinic.

Frequently Asked

In India, most insurance policies do not cover weight loss programs unless they are medically necessary sue to conditions like severe obesity- related diseases. Some insurers may cover bariatric surgery if it is prescribed for health reasons.

Yes, non -surgical options are widely available that includes dietary plans that include balance diets, exercises regimens, weight loss medications and supplements.

Yes, many weight loss clinics in Pune are medically supervised by healthcare professional such as dietitians, doctors, sometimes endocrinologists. These clinics ensure that weight loss is done sagely, especially for individuals with existing medical conditions like diabetes or heart diseases.

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