piles cure in 3 days

Do Piles Cure In 3 Days? 2024

Do piles cure in 3 days? Many of the peoples are worried about healing of their operated piles. This article will help you to find answer to this question whether piles cure in 3 days? So read on!

Piles are the common nowadays many peoples undergo surgeries to get rid from pain and discomfort caused by piles. But on other hand most of the peoples feel relief from piles in 3 days, so one might think how is this happening? And many questions may arise in your mind related to piles. Let’s discuss all your question step-by-step .

Piles cure in 3 days : What piles are?

Piles are also known as hemorrhoids, piles are swollen veins in the rectum and anus that cause number of discomforts like itching, redness, swelling, pain, bleeding all this particularly during bowel movements are physical activities like running, jumping, squats and many more.

Piles are internal and external, internal piles are usually harmless and do not cause pain, whereas external piles appear on external parts like anus these piles are often painful and cause discomfort. It is important to understand that recovery time of piles vary in different individual depending on physical condition, gender and genetics of the individual.

Piles cure in 3 days :Can piles be cured in 3 days?

However, it is essential to understand that rapid symptom relief is possible with the right combination of treatments.

Piles cure in 3 days :Effective remedies for quick relief from piles,

  • Over the counter creams and ointments

There are many over the counter creams available in the market that can provide quick relief from the pain that piles is causing, but this creams and ointments can only provide short term relief and do not treat piles from its roots within 3 days. Over the counter creams like hydrocortisone, anesthesia like lidocaine, or witch hazel can reduce swelling, itching, and pain.

  • Warm sits bath

Siting in warm tub for 20 min, multiple times in the day, can helps to reduce pain in the area, by soothing the area, reducing pain and inflammation, and promote healing of piles.

  • Icing the area

Applying ice in the affected area for about 5-6 min can helps to soothe the area, and temporarily reduce swelling in that area. this will provide instant relief from pain.

  • Stool softeners

Many stool softeners are available over the counter in pharmacy shops, doctors suggest stool softeners to their patients, these stool softeners soften stool by increasing hydration of the body. this will help to easy bowel movements and reduce pain associated with the piles.

  • Fiber rich diet

Make sure to increase fiber content in the body, patient should consume high amount of fiber rich food items like whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits, and raw fruits that provides high fibers to the body. Fiber rich diet will help to boost rate of metabolism and improves digestive health of stomach that will help in easy bowel movements.

  • Avoid sitting at one place

Sitting at one place for longer period of time can cause stress on rectum and annual muscle, this stress may alter pain associated in affected area, so its suggested to make movements of legs, hands, make sure you stretch your legs from time to time to prevent piles from recurring.

Home remedies to treat piles :

  • Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil in affected area can make that area soft, coconut has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-sceptic properties, as well as hydrating properties. Apply coconut oil in affected area multiple times in day will help in early recovery of affected area.

  • Natural Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti- inflammatory properties that will help to smoothen the area, Aloe Vera will help to calm and cool down the affected area, intake of Aloe Vera in form of Aloe Vera juice and application of Aloe Vera in affected area will help to reduce pain of piles.

  • Cleaning affected area

Make sure to clean affected area with water again and again as different creams, ointments are applied on it. So it’s important to clean that area to avoid further complications and infections.

Conclusion of Do Piles Cure In 3 Days?

In this article various ways to cure piles in 3 days are discussed, but it does not guarantee treating piles in 3 days. Piles can be painful condition which can be treated with proper treatment available, one should make sure to treat piles with consistency in treatment to get desired results and ultimately rid from this painful and discomforting piles.

In this article various remedies as well as home remedies are discussed in detail so as to get in detailed information about the disease and remedies available to cure that diseases as soon as possible most probably 3 days.


Can over the counter creams cure my piles in 3 days?

Over-the-counter creams can offer quick relief from pain, itching, and swelling, but they do not cure piles. These creams helps to manage symptoms while body heals, but piles may take a week or more to resolve completely.

Is surgery necessary to cure piles quickly?

Surgery is usually reserved for severs a recurring cases of piles. Minimally invasive procedures, like rubber band ligation or laser treatments, can speed up recovery, but these typically take more than three days to fully heal the areas.

Will painkillers help to reduce piles in 3 days?

Painkillers like diclofenac, ibuprofen, acetaminophen can help to provide relief from discomfort and pain from piles., but they do not treat the underlying issue. They can be a part of symptom management, but healing will depend on other treatments like dietary changes and medical interventions.

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