Piles Starting Stage

Piles Starting Stage Treatment 2024

Piles starting stage can be painful and gives feeling of fullness and discomfort in your anus. Piles can be painful, discomforting and irritating if not treated early on detection. Piles are also called as hemorrhoids, where formation of lumps takes place inside the anus or around the anus. Piles can cure on its own after some period of time, but in some cases if needs to be operated, to permanently eradicate piles. There are some ways to treat piles. Piles starting stage can significantly improve actions to prevent worsening of piles.

Read : Different Types Of Piles And Ways To Identify Piles

Piles starting stage symptoms

  • Itchy anus
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Bright red color bleeding after bowel movements.
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lump formation around anus, that can even burst out bleeding
  • Feeling like you need to go and poo again, even after going once to toilet
  • Mucus secretion from anus
  • Needle poking like pain from anus during bowel movements
Piles Starting Stage

Common causes of piles

  • Straining during bowel movements.
  • Low fiber intake that leads to chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Sitting at one place for longer period of time can cause extensive pressure exertion on the anal muscles leading to pile formation.
  • Obesity and pregnancy can increase bowel pressure on the pelvic region that contributes in the piles formation. 

Understanding Early- Stage piles,

In the initial stages, piles are generally internal in the rectum or the anus. In initial stages piles cannot cause intense pain but can be discomforting, itching and painful during performing various daily activities. Treatment on this stage will help in complete eradication of piles where focused on symptoms relief and preventing worsening of piles.

Types of piles

  1. Internal piles

These piles are often not very painful. Bleeding occurs due to lump formation in rectum. Internal piles can be painful if not treated on time. Extensive bleeding during bowel movements is seen in internal piles.

  • External piles

In external piles there is lump formation around the anus. These lump formation takes place due to inflammation of the veins around the anus. Veins inflamed due to excessive pressure exerted around anus. External piles are painful and cause intense itching during bowel movements and physical activities.  

Treatment and management of piles starting stage,

  1. Increase fiber Intake

Recommended to increase fiber content in the body, increased fiber makes stool soft, making it easier to pass and reducing strain on hemorrhoids.

Raw fruits, whole grains, vegetables are recommended to include in the diet so as to reduce strain and stress on the rectum and anus.

Fiber supplements like psyllium husk can also be helpful.

  • Stay hydrated

Make sure to drink 8 glass of water daily. It helps to keep body hydrated and prevents dehydration of the body, this makes stool soft.

In dehydrated body water is reabsorbed which makes stool hard making bowel movement uneasy and painful.

Limit caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you and lead to constipation.

  • Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly physical activities like yoga, cycling, exercises, walking, can promote better digestion by promoting rate of the metabolism in the body. Physical activities help to maintain regular bowel movement cycle on time, this keeps digestive health healthy.

Exercise also reduces pressure on veins around the veins and make body feel free, light and healthy.

  • Avoid straining

Starting during bowel movements can exacerbate piles by putting extra pressure on the blood vessels.

Make sure to respond promptly to the urge to have a bowel movement to prevent constipation and straining.

  • Warm sitz baths

Warm sitz baths keeping affected area in warm water for 10-15 minutes a few times a daycan help to heal affected area early. These can help to relive discomfort, reduce itching and soothe irritation.

Sitz bath is very effective way to heal piles, specialized bath tub or normal bath tub that fits over toilet can be used for sitz baths.

  • Over-the-counter remedies

Hemorrhoid creams, ointments, gels, or suppositories with ingredients like hydrocortisone can help reduce inflammation and itching. Some herbal medications are obtained from natural sources these are having medication properties that helps to heal piles wounds. Herbal medication has least side effects because they are highly diluted to reduce adverse effects.

Some creams may contain local anesthetics to relive mild pain or burning. These creams provide temporary relief from the pain and discomfort of piles.

  • Cold compresses

Applying ice pack or ice wrap in the clot on the affected area foe about 10-15 minutes can help to relief welling, pain, redness in the area. This method should be practiced daily for 2-3 times a day to help piles heal early in piles starting stage itself. It only provides temporary relief from the pain and itching caused due to piles.

  • Proper hygiene

Cleanliness helps to treat piles rapidly. Make sure to gently clean the area with moist wipes or unscented, alcohol- free baby wipes.

Wash affected area with clean water to avoid bacterial and fungal infection that will help to keep affected area free from infections and complications.


If complications and symptoms related to piles persist then it is recommended to consult doctor for diagnosis of root cause of piles. In severe cases pain, bleeding, increased pain, swelling can be hurtful and requires immediate treatment options by consulting healthcare provider. Piles starting stage is primary indicator for formation of treatment regimen to the patient.

Piles in starting stage are simple and mild, hence it is very important to start medication and treatment in initial stages only. Piles in starting stages are treatable and less compatible. In some cases, they may recommend medical treatments such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy or minor surgical procedure for relief. Piles starting stage can be successfully treated after medications.

Implementation of these various techniques mentioned above consistently can be very effective in managing and even reversing early stage of piles.


In some cases, yes. With lifestyle changes, such as a high fiber diet and regular exercise, early stage piles can improve and even resolve. However, if left untreated, they may worsen over the time.

Consider seeing a doctor if symptoms persist despite home treatment, if bleeding is frequent or excessive, or if there is increase pain, swelling or difficulty with bowel movement.

Surgery is rarely needed foe early stage piles. Conservative treatments like dietary changes, topical creams and lifestyle adjustments are often sufficient. Surgery is generally reserved for more advanced or persistent cases.

A high fiber diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps soften stools, reducing the need to stain and decreasing pressure on hemorrhoids.

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