Swallow Balloon For Weight loss

Swallow Balloon For Weight loss 2024- Lose 15% Weight In 16 Weeks.

Swallow balloon for weight loss isn’t this something new to hear? Want to lose weight? Stressed of your increasing weight? Want to lose weight without surgery, pain associated with endoscopy, with no life threatening risk of anesthesia?

All your stress regarding your increasing weight will be vanished from this article. In this article you will be able to know and understand most convenient and easy method to lose weight.

One of the best Products is swallow balloon. This balloon is designed for weight loss in the individuals those who do not want to go through surgeries and endoscopic treatments that are often painful.

Swallow balloon is most effective and affordable weight loss program in this program you will be introduced to first ever swallow able gastric balloon. This swallow balloon will help you to lose weight fast along with long term sustainable weight loss results. swallow balloon for weight loss combined with healthy diet can help to lose weight quickly.

This program will help you to lose an average of 10-15% of your body weight in approximately in 16 weeks. This process is very easy and takes place in short duration of time. Placement of gastric balloon requires only 15 minutes and here you are done!

Is this swallow balloon for weight loss safe?

Swallow balloon for weight loss

Swallow balloon is made up of vegan polyurethane, this material is much safe than the normal silicon material in endoscopic balloons. Polyurethane is flexible and adapts as your stomach moves, ensuring a sung and comfortable fit in the stomach.

Placement procedure of swallow balloon is easy and painless. Gastric balloons are placed in the stomach for at least 4 months which reduces the pain and complications associated with insertion and removal of balloon form stomach. After 4 months gastric balloon is excreted from the body naturally, no any surgery or endoscopy is required for removal of the gastric balloon. This makes this swallow balloon safe.

swallow balloon for weight loss

Procedure for Swallow able Balloon Placement

  • Monitoring of the patient before placement of swallow balloon,

Before initiation of procedure certain tests are performed in order to check patient history, if any previous gastric surgery is done then it can raise complications in our gastric balloon insertion. These tests also give an idea about normal physiology of patients, so as to design nutritional diet to the patient.

Ongoing monitoring by a healthcare provider helps to manage side effects and identify complications early, so as to make necessary changes in order to increase success rate of your Swallow weight loss balloon.

Swallow balloon for weight loss
  • Preparation for placement of balloon,

This entire procedure takes place for about 20- 30 minutes, and you can be back home on same day itself.

Patient discuss weight loss goals with specialized doctors, accordingly doctor will design treatment chart for the patient.

Patient is made relax before the procedure starts and initial examination is carried out by passing endoscope through the mouth to inspect the stomach and insure it’s safe to proceed.

  • Balloon insertion and positioning,

Once examination is successful deflated balloon is inserted through the mouth, this deflated balloon reaches stomach. This procedure is performed with the help of endoscope.

Once deflated balloon reaches stomach, doctor confirms the position of balloon and monitor placement of balloon carefully.

Once doctor confirms position of the balloon is correct, then inflates it with sterile saline solution or air, typically filling it to occupy roughly one- third of the stomach.

  • Inflation and adjustment,

Balloon is inflated until it reaches to desired size according to treatment designed for particular patient.

Sometimes saline solution in inflated balloon is filled with methylene blue, this is to prevent leakage of the balloon or easy identification if leakage occurs.

If leakage occurs, urine becomes blue in color and gives indication that balloon is leaked or something has happened to the inserted balloon, which needs immediate action.

After inflation, of the balloon successfully endoscope is removed, leaving balloon in its place.

  • Post-procedure observation,

Doctors monitor the patients for any effect after instant installation of the balloon; patients are monitored for sedation, loss of appetite, pain, discomfort, and ensure there are no immediate side effects from the sedation or placement.

Most of the time patients go home on same day of placement of the balloon. Because this procedure is easy and require less time.

Specific instructions on diet and activity for the first few days are given to the patient, so as to make body ready to adapt and adjust with balloon that is inserted in intragastric cavity.

  • Follow-up and balloon removal,

This inflated balloon typically stays in stomach for 4 months. During this time, regular check-ups help to monitor the progress of our procedure. Weight is measured and monitored before and during the procedure that last for 4months. 

This inflated balloon gives fullness to the stomach which controls overeating. Balloon in the gastric cavity controls the hunger and utilizes calories that are stored in the body.

Complementary services provided by doctors -Digital tools

Doctors provides an app which has complete profile of the patient from the day of installation of balloon in gastric cavity to changes in the body size very week.

These digital services provide watches that track weight of the patient every day, which is displayed on the watch, you can use these to check in with your doctor, receive support and guidance from Specialist dieticians, so as to monitor and lose weight as soon as possible.

This treatment is recommended to the patients having BMI 30 or more. Placement of gastric balloon may or may not be covered in the insurance policies, so this procedure may require money that needs to be added from your pocket.

Conclusion of Swallow Balloon For Weight loss

Placement of swallow able balloon is the best treatment available so far to decrease weight and soon complications associated with increasing weight.

The gastric balloon can support weight loss when combined with lifestyle changes. It is very important to maintain lifestyle changes in eating habits and physical habits so as to see desired results of the treatment.

swallow balloon for weight loss is simple and painless method to lose weight. swallow balloon is generally safe, but there can be minimal side effects like nausea, vomiting and discomfort insertion of the balloon. But this side-effect arises initially and are common. Swallow balloon for weight loss has swallow able pill which is very easy to swallow and shows it’s best results. Disclaimer of gastric balloon is that results may vary from person to person post consultation and under healthcare professional supervision.

So if you are one looking to lose weight without surgery then this particular swallow balloon is best designed for you.You can consult Dr. Parmeshwar B.  Bambrule , bariatric specialist Pune, he will guide you with entire procedure in detail, he will also recommend you with your ideal weight according to BMI. This will definitely help you to lose your weight without surgery and complications related to surgery.

Can the swallow balloon for weight loss be used multiple times?

After removal, it’s possible to undergo a second gastric balloon procedure if more weight loss is desired, though it depends on individual circumstances and should be discussed with healthcare provider.

How long is the recovery time?

Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days. Some may experience discomfort for up to a week.

What happen if I remove gastric balloon?

Maintaining weight loss depends on lifestyle changes, including healthy eating and regular exercise. Many clinics offer follow-up support programs to help with long-term weight management.

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